BHSBP is a plan if the harassment from people from BHS continues

it incudes cutting off everyone from BHS or people friends with certain people from bhs

it appears leaving is not enough to stop harassment from asshats from bhs so if it does not stop by the end of 2025 every person in bhs will be cut off/banned from FZN services (e.g: Minecraft server, mvs sites, and parts of this site) i made exceptions to this in the past to a few people.. it did not work

the only exception to this entire thing is people I don’t hear anything about BHS from unless requested for example Jacob

and if I have to apply this then any contact from people from BHS that are known for harassing (including using others to pass along messages) will have potential legal action taken against them

this is only applied if i keep hearing about me being harassed or framed or people straight up lying about me in bhs

the school has not responded to any complaints about this
another email has been sent as of 9th of Jan 2025