Basic info

Warnings has a multiworld system where you can join other worlds via portals, while these are helpful for separating survival from superflat etc it comes with some bugs.

da bugs – worlds

DO not go into dimensions like the end and the nether they will softlock you, and are pointless since other worlds separate your inventory so you wont be able to bring anything back anyway.

if you want anything you can message me with “/msg teamkalyt” if I’m on the server, or onelikekal on telegram or discord. both same username ill give you an appropriate amount per said time.

Game modes – spawning

the game mode system resets you to the servers server.conf every time you join (survival) so there’s buttons on worlds that you are allowed creative on

when you re-join it spawns you wherever that world spawn point is, then when you tap your bed that’s your spawn point until you leave and re-join. the reason behind these 2 things are unknown, and I cba fixing them since there not big things.


  • dont destory portals or server tool builds ill just ban you
  • DO not try overload my server watchdog will detect it and ban you
  • Do not make unclaimed areas look bad just because its not claimed doesn’t mean you can fuck it up
  • do not bomb anyones stuff we have backups every hour so all that will happen is you get banned and i spend 40 seconds dragging a file
  • stealing items is not allowed unless its something like tnt that you intended to do something bad with then ill rob it and throw it in lava (:
  • Claim your land!!! if you don’t others can brake and build on your land and go in your chests theres a button on how to do land claims at the bottom of this page
  • spamming in chat ends up with you being muted same with discord server
  • do not join on more than one client like joining your bedrock and java account at the same time if you do the second one will be banned if we can tell whatever one is your main otherwise one of the 2 at random will be banned by watchdog
  • don’t be a dickhead to others like using the online map for some hunting game your playing with someone

when you join you will be in a box to make sure randos arent free in my server however if you are allowed in we will tell you how to get out

the most popuar and where most people are is the SMP where you can get to by going to the portal network and going to the red portal

on the right you can see the green portal when you get out of that wooden thing walk to the green thing and step inside

you will see portals of these colors

Green = superflat (comes with creative button)
red = smp (ofc no creative)
wood = back to server spawn world (creative allowed)

server gudelines

to join the server you agree to our rules and the agreement below about the server worlds by joining you are agreeing so id read them :shrug:
this server has a promise to users if there’s a full shutdown of the server you may request a copy of the worlds you put effort into THIS DOES NOT include you just wanting one to start your own world with it, the worlds are under ownership of FZN/kalel and does not belong to you unless you have been given it
you may be worried about your things getting stolen/griefed please press the button below if a massive server grief accurses the server will restore to a backup.

backups are done every day at midnight and we keep a few days of backups you may not get these backups there only there for the server encase of a massive grief
normally you will lose whatever you did on the day the grief accrued but we only restore the effected worlds so if super flat got bombed the you wont lose anything in the SMP world from that day

if you have questions message me on telegram or discord (both onelikekal telegram link on main joinmc page)


to learn how to claim read the book or if you lost that watch the video below

that’s all have fun

here’s the buttons to get back or read about something else