
this is byfar the most pain in the arse way to join so go invest in a pc or something to make life easy

also if you own this game on a device like a phone, tablet or pc then use that to make life easyer then go to the button below

Note: Do not use mcserver connecter it does not work and the app is shut down with no working servers

anyway go to your google play store and look for Bedrock together (button below) and install it (if you have an iphone then RIP to you )

once installed put the details in


name doesnt matter

LEAVE THE PORT AS IS if you changed it then put in 19132

press start server watch the ad (or go make a coffee or sumit) and go in minecraft

server should show up at the bottom as so if not then check it all again

be aware that doing this makes you lag quite a bit due to incomatabitiy

i dont like this way so dont complain ill have you know i have industrial gigabit internet and your using a phone to get a console to join a Minecraft server

please note: chats are bugged, you will have higher lag, anticheats are more likey to ban you,