
Senso is on the school pc’s and this site will tell you what it can do what it can see etc

what is senso?: All-In-One, cloud based, software solution for network, classroom, safeguarding and device management. Remotely manage and monitor an unlimited number of Windows, iOS & Chrome devices from a centralised web portal. Designed for Local Authorities, multi-academy trusts, educators, schools and safeguarding staff.

basically an app that monitors activity on computers

what can senso do?:

  • Real-time live thumbnail view via the cloud – teachers can see what you are doing via there computer all at once
  • AI visual threat intelligence – automated system can moniter your activity and flag anything that does not seem appropriate
  • Remote control and device management – teachers can take control of your keyboard and mouse and void your input like it says below
  • Block resources and keybord keys, send messages and lock screen – locks out your control to stop you hiding what your doing or from continuing
  • Application, website and violation logs – logs when you go on a blocked site download ilegal stuff or viruses or tamering with senso itself
  • Customisable filtering based on foundation of the IWF and Prevent – staff can pick what you go on and block other stuff
  • Azure AAD – tech thing i cba explaining
  • Real-time reporting – all this can happen in a few seconds

how can i stop it?: you can’t… the pc have your profile set in groups like in school there is

Youtube access allowed – given to students who requre youtube

students – normal student level thats very limited

staff – less restricted

then ofc ICT can do what they want

only way to stop a teacher from taking control would be to unplug your pc or unplug the ethernet cable

(you could preform an OS override with windows-to-go but that’s off topic and requires certain things)

senso will almost never be down as it runs off AWS (amazon web services)

at that point just bring a laptop or use your phone and i highly recommend DO NOT add your school account to the users list on your pc as it will allow the school onto your personal computer it even says this in windows

just only use the websites for teams if possable